Say Something.
All about ME
Type whatever you want your friends need to know about you, eg. birthday, school, idols. Keep it short and sweet. Add in some funny quotes if you like.
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Say Thanks.
Designer: Miko | Meeko
Images: DeviantArt
Softwares: Adobe Photoshop CS3
Let it fly.
Saturday :)
Monday, January 18, 2010, 5:56 PM
So LONG time no post on my fun times :D so here we go! on Saturday, me and jess decided to go ..
(Refer to white Chicks)
and iceskating for that matter :)
First of all, Jess came to my house for a little study session [ Dad says it's his idea of a fun day! ==]
but instead, we talked and hugged toys :)
We arrived at the iceskating rink just to see Steph CHEUNG figure skate on the ice!
oh em geeeeee :D steph was SO GOOOD :D she did those twists and turns and jumps in the air and me and jess were standing there like: O[]O
while we were iceskating, her dad took photos - it was pretty awkward because everytime we looked athim, there'd be this massive camera eye staring at us :O
so while we were resting, this little fat dude 'accidently' fell on steph's butt :D
ROFL - me and jess were LAUGHING SO MUCH while the guy 'eyed' her ;)
aah steph cheung - so sexy ;)
i wish i could say i didn't fall, but while i was speeding along the ice, this little kid decides to skate in front of me :( so i was like: WWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...OMG. *dodges kid* . phewww :D . uhoh. WWWOOOOOOOOOPS! *fallson butt* and I'm like: owwwwwwwww :( and the little kid is oblivious at what just happened. == (8) lalaalaaaaa :D teehee! (8)
but don't worry guys - i'm A-OKAY!
after 2hours of iceskating, we decided to go have lunch :D lunch was ice chocolate and SUSHIII :D and after that we did some shopping and bought SO MUCH STUFF :D shoes, clothes, dresses, necklaces :D
hehe. but anyways~ off lily goes :) she has to do silly maths now :(
- bye for now, not forever,
lilyyyJOY ;)
Thursday, January 14, 2010, 5:35 AM

hiya! :D its LILY again :3
so since i was bored today - i decided to paint on paint!
so the first one is of ME & my DAD
dont worry guys . im too cool to bash into walls so im the coool blue dudette ;)
haha, so today i was at home, and my dad came running in to hug me
so being the 'EVIL' me ;)
when he ran to me, i STEPPED aside :D
woops ;)
haha, so he bashed into the wall :D
n'awwww :) are you okay dad? ;D
[*dramatic music* LILY isn't INNOCENT ANYMORE! :O]
haha, jokingg..;)
the second one is 'OF COURSE' TAEKYUNG and the pig chase ;)
refer to fb for more details! :D
so today being the usual me, i fobbed away on fb, andbeing a douchebag, spammed peoples pages - especially sonias friend .. woops ;)
TODAY my dad & i went to maccas! and since i was being very slobberish, i cross dressed - so i didn't look too - hehe. how should i say it - good :D
but anyway! when we went to the maccas counter, my dad asked for a cone, and instead the lady gave us a 'coke'
aahh dad.
but we enjoyed our meal, (not the part where my dad fought for the chips :O)
anyways~ lily is getting massive shoulder aches from typing on the bed, so off i go!
bye for now, not forever ;)
- LILY <3

Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 4:13 AM
left: wendy//sky
middle: lily//joy
(click on the picture to see clearly) ^^
black roast duck :)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 9:51 PM

so i'm staring at a roast duck :) ..a black one. :O
normally i'd go "ehe. great job dad, you did your best :D"
but i'm just thinking "what . a . fail . "
i was happily listening to my music in my room, when i smell smoke , so i go downstairs, and see that the kitchens smothered in smoke and my dad giving me the thumbs up b(^.^)d


but thats okay :) because luckily, i have my secret stash of buttermenthols 8D
mmm...buttermenthols to the rescue 8)
but i wouldn't exactly call buttermenthols..dinner. :s
luckily i have my secret SECRET stash of buttermenthol IN GUMMY BEARS :D
but i think thats the same thing =O

so now i blog to make up the time while my smoke alarm is whining :D luckily i've got the song 'gee' by snsd turned up LOUDDD. xD
but dinners now up! (oh lord..) so i betta go eat that black roast duck like there's no tomorrow! >=3
-JOY singing off ;)
(yes, that WAS supposed to be 'signing' off) :D
, 7:10 PM

hello! this is LILY , sorry to trouble you guys, because i decided my other blogspot was just too silly to keep - so here i am! i know i haven't been posting for a while, but don't worry!


haha. ha. oh. *coff*

anyways! that i'll leave for another time - so nothing's been happening much in this silly house of mine, i went outside to get my dailydose of sunshine because i remembered that mrs i-forgot-her-name-mrs-edwina-edward-?-lmao-edward-cullen-oops-i'm-getting-off-the-subject-woman said that it is VITAL we recieve our daily vitamin D! but since it was so hot yesterday and i wasn't wearing my fluffy slippers, my feet had enough of their daily dose of sunshine D:

Of course, I've been bludging and doing nothing but slobbing about and watching movies :) yesterday i was watching a movie while my dad was downstairs, and he came up to check on what was happening, so i quickly whisked out my english books and put on my fob glasses and grabbed a pen :) my dad came crying with joy when he saw i was 'studying' (hehe..) and said "OH LILY! how could i have doubted! i thought you'd be watching movies on the computer but you're actually studying! if you had been doing anything on the computer, i would've punished you, but GOOD GIRL! *hug*"

normally i would've felt guilty ..

but it was just BRILLIANT!
(haha my proudest moment ever)
so after he left, i continued watching :)



you bet ;)

Just a TICK :D
, 6:42 PM
i made a new bloggie this time for a 2010 revolution ^^
enjoy ;)